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From January to April, container cargo throughput of Qinzhou Port continues to increase substantially

Posted by: Release time:2018-05-29

Since the beginning of this year, Qinzhou City has continuously promoted the convenience of customs clearance, further expanded the scope of its route service network, and the port¡¯s logistics industry continued to develop steadily. From January to April, Qinzhou Port has completed a total of 32.101 million tons of cargo throughput in the port, a year-on-year increase of 27.7%.

In recent years, as the infrastructure of Qinzhou Port has been further improved, port navigation capacity has been improved, and the number of domestic and foreign container routes from Qinzhou Port to Hong Kong, the Middle East, Malaysia, and Myanmar etc. has increased, and the administrative examination and approval procedures have been continuously optimized to provide efficient and convenient services. Regulating the order of entering and leaving the port as well as anchoring the ship has made the Gulf of Qinzhou increasingly lively. At the same time, through accelerating the improvement of the port¡¯s logistics network, we will accelerate the construction of the Qinzhou container trunk port. In terms of the land, we will combine "Water-free Port" of the southwestern area, logistics center, railway port alliance, "Five Regular Trains" of sea and rail transport together, form a good trend of radiating surrounding, hinterland and sea-rail transport along the line, and vigorously attract source of goods to transit and distribute in Qinzhou Port.